Loki episode 1 full review and easter eggs.

Mephisto? - Blueberry gum! - Nexus - Miss Minutes - DB Cooper - Sex Fluid -  Loki vs Loki - Kang!
    The first episode of the show starts directly after the 2012 New York battle in Avengers headquarters.  Then Loki escaped with the tesseract and fall somewhere in the Mongolian desert. Then he got arrested forcedly by the 'Variant Hunters' of TVA. And they reset the timeline in the desert before they left. 
Then, they want him to plead in the HQ of the TVA, the whole part of Loki in the headquarters is so hilarious only because of his innocence about the place,  Tom Hiddleston did the best of his best to make the character justice. 

1. Mephisto?
    On the other side, Mobius is searching for a crime which is the continuous deaths of the 'Variant Hunters' by stabbing, which is happening in 1549 in a church of France.  And there he met a little child and Mobius tried to talk to her about what happened there and who did this.  That simply raises her hand and point towards the wall where the devil Mephisto was painted.  As revealed later,  the TVA is after a different Loki variant, so the devil was the reference of Loki only.

2. The Blooberry gum
    the Mobius questioning the little girl, her tooth was blue because of the bubble gum.   At that period in the late 15's, this bubblegum doesn't exist.  So, Mobius asked to check it.

3. Miss Minutes
   The animated character miss minutes makes quite an introduction in the show and explaining the history and function of TVA.  

4. Nexus...!
    We saw the Nexus reference before in the WandaVision show.  Now the marvel studios clearly explain what the nexus about. 
     Nexus, an individual who broke the flow of the normal timeline and performed individually in the different timeline which leads to so many branches of the multiverse. They were powerful enough to change the reality and mess with the 'Universal time Stream' 

5. D.B. Cooper.
    An identified man hijacked a Boeing 727 in 1971.  He jumped from the plane with an amount of $200,000 and he was never seen again. This happened in real life and in MCU Loki turns out as the D.B. Cooper.

6. Loki knows his future.
     With the help of the TVA file, the 2012 Loki has seen his entire life history, and he realizes how good he was with his brother Thor. And somehow he decided to help TVA.

7. Sex - Fluid 
    In Loki's TVA file, you can see that his sex is listed as 'fluid'. In comics, Odin refers to Loki as both son and daughter. 

8. Loki vs Loki 
    When Loki asking Mobius who he's against to Mobius said that 'you'.  Different Loki from the different timeline who is hunting the 'Variant Hunters' of the TVA.  In comics, Loki plays different roles as Kid Loki, Lady Loki, and more. 

9. The Judge.
    The Judge who is asking to plead Loki about his crime is Ravonna Renslayer.  In comics, she's fell in love with 'Kang the conqueror'. Who is the main villain in the upcoming movie 'Ant-man and the Wasp Quantumania'. 

10. Infinity Stones in TVA!
    The receptionist at the desk at the entrance in the Head Quarters of the TVA, Casey who collecting the evidence and source from the variants.
    When Loki threatening him, he gave up the tesseract to him from a drawer, which has the entire collection of Infinity stones.  Which is like no value for them in the TVA.  And Casey kidding about it like, some of us using this as a paperweight. (Hahaha Multiverse) 
And they exactly use the stones as paper weight that shown in the credits.

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