Loki Episode 5 Easter eggs.

MCU's Easter egg findings after a long time. 
     When Loki pruned and left at a place which is the End of the Time void were so many leftovers that were pruned by the TVA.  In this episode, we can find many previous MCU's details as easter eggs findings.  Like,

1. A damaged helicopter named Thanos.
     This is wherein a reality Thanos use a helicopter to come Earth.

2. S.H.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier.
     The TVA was pruned a giant helicarrier of S.H.E.I.L.D.  Maybe, this one survives the insight project in Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie.  

3. Yellow-Jacket's head from Ant-Man movie.
     In the Ant-man movie, the villain's yellow jacket never gets this size huge.  Maybe, because of this TVA pruned him.

4. A Kree ship.
     The Kree's always interfered in other's business.  We don't exactly for what they've pruned.

5. A floating Leviathon 
     We saw this alien of Thanos sanctuary ship three times in the MCU.  We can see the skeleton of this alien there.

6. USS Navy Ship
     The Experiment of Philadelphia is an alleged military experiment that was supposed to carry by the US navy at the Philadelphia shipyard.  The US Navy escort USS Eldridge must be rendered with some cloaking technology.  This is the reference of that ship.

6. Pyramid of Egypt.
     I have a fun theory about this reference, which is the Pyramid statue in our reality has a broken nose like real, What if the nose didn't broked ever, so it must be pruned by the TVA.  Give a closer look at the picture, the statue's nose didn't break.  So maybe right...

  "what do you think about these easter eggs and the theory.
   If you have one theory you can comment here."
